Argumentative Text in English and Its Types

Argumentative text in English subjects at school is usually known as the Exposition text type. This kind of text normally introduced to students of senior high school (grade 10 up to grade 12). This text is a kind of challenging text and requires a deep understanding of an actual issue. Because of those reasons, this text is generally taught to senior high school students.

The exposition text is a factual text used to express an opinion that is pros or cons. The text provides strong arguments that aim to influence its readers. To influence its readers reflects the social function of the Exposition (argumentative) text itself, to persuade the reader.

When the writer persuades the reader to agree with his or her idea, he or she certainly needs a strong argument. The writers must choose either pros or cons, in the text they are going to write. In other words, the pros and cons cannot be performed together in the same text.

The argument (exposition) text is divided into two kinds, analytical and hortatory exposition texts. We should know the difference between analytical and hortatory exposition texts.

Analytical Exposition

Analytical means “examining or liking to examine things very carefully” (Cambridge). Thus, the meaning of Analytical Exposition can be understood as a text that tries to provide a comprehensive explanation of an issue by displaying the opinions of supporters carefully.

The main goal of an analytical exposition text is “attempting to persuade the reader to believe something by presenting one side of the argument”. One side of the argument does not mean that in one analytical exposition only presence one argument only, but actually some arguments with the same (one) goal.

Generic Structure:

Thesis usually includes a preview argument; It introduces topics and indicates the writer’s position.

  • Thesis is your opinion on a problem. It usually begins with the sentence such as I personally think, In my opinion, I believe, etc after you write down your thesis or opinion.

Arguments consist of a point and elaboration sequence. The number of points may vary, but each must be supported by discussion and evidence.

  • You must write ARGUMENTS, that is, arguments or reasons that are accompanied by facts and relevant evidence so that the listener or reader influenced by the arguments you present. Usually, it starts with: Firstly, Nest, Third, The last, etc.

Reiteration restates the position more forcefully in the light of the arguments presented.

  • To end the text, you must write REITERATION, Reiteration itself means the conclusion of the thesis and the arguments presented above. So the words we can use to initiate the Reiteration part in the text can be:
  • From the argument above we can conclude that….. ; or
  • Based on the argument above…..;  or
  • The conclusion of the argument above is……
  • Etc.

Language features

Language elements or Language Features of Argumentative Text include:

Abstract Noun

Abstract nouns (cannot be seen, heard, or touched), for example, beauty, bravery, culture, confidence, goodness, hope, etc.

Action Verb

Verbs that describe actions that humans or animals can take, for example: eat, touch, talk, watch, walk, etc.

Temporal Connectives

Vocabulary that connects one event to another in sequence, for example: firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc.

Modal Auxiliaries

Some forms of modal, for example: can, may, must, should, etc.

Technical Terms

Special terms related to the theme we raise, for example, examination, score, assessment, evaluation, test, etc.

Reasoning Connectives

Vocabulary that shows a relationship of reasons, for example: because of, so, therefore, etc.

Simple Present Tense

Dominated by sentences in the form of simple present tense.

Example of Argumentative Text (About Education)

Essay In National Examination

The news about 2018 National Examination for student in Elementary School, Junior High School and also Senior High School attracts attention of many people in Indonesia. Most people consider it as a “disaster” for the student as it is more difficult for them to answer the items in the test. I think it is not only a disaster for the students, but also for the teachers.

Firstly, essay type of test is inefficient to be conducted globally. Student from various places may have different ability in explaining their answer for the test items. In order to cunduct this type of evalution the teacher or the test maker need to provide some possible answer that may occur during the test which make it inefficient compare to multiple choice items.

Secondly, essay type of test belongs to subjective test. The teacher or whoever checks the student answer will find difficulties in deciding whether the answer is correct or wrong, because they will involve their personal judgement toward each answer.

The last, student will face more pressure before, during, and after the test if the form of the test is in essay form because they will not be able to make the answer based on prediction when they didn’t know the answer for an item. If the test items are in the form of multiple choice, I believe the student will be at ease to undergo the test because they still have a chance to gain points even if they do not know the answer for some questions by choosing one of four possible answers.

From my explanation above, it is clear that National Examination in the form of essay will be a problem for both students and the teachers.


This text is almost the same as Analytical Exposition, which can be found in a variety of letters and articles that are persuasive, influencing for example letters of readers, promotions, open letters, and others.

The generic structure is as follow:

  1. Thesis; thesis is similar to tentative conclusion which needs to be proven by certain fact and argument. In the end, it can be true or false
  2. Contains issues or topic topics raised as the subject matter, as well as the author’s position on the issue.
  3. Arguments; this is the phase which try to examine and support that the thesis stated above is true.
  4. A series of reasons that support the writer’s idea.
  5. Recommendation; this is what should or should not be done in the hortatory text. This recommendation is differentiating from analytical exposition.
  6. Recommendation refers more to the recommendations which are recommended by the author of the Exposition. And then, how you usually recommend something to others? We usually will use the words below to advise others, they can be:
    1. You should…., we must……, you should be….., and etc. if we recommend something that is permissible; and
    1. You shouldn’t……, you mustn’t……, we ought not to…., etc. if we recommend what is not allowed or not recommended.
  7. Language features / linguistic characteristics
    * Generic participant. Object, the subject matter is general.
    * There is an action verb, an action verb
    * Using mental processes, for example: think, feel, understand, etc.
    * Simple present tense

Communicative Objectives
Persuading, influencing, and encouraging readers, listeners that something should or shouldn’t be a problem.

Example of Hortatory Exposition Text

Becoming Famous Celebrities

Famous celebrities are usually treated with respect and courtesy. They are not only admired but also respected. People will do anything to please them, simply because they are celebrities. Celebrities also earn their living easily. They are paid exorbitantly just for appearing in ceremonies. Nevertheless, famous celebrities not only deal with glamorous things. Becoming a famous celebrity has several disadvantages.

          The common disadvantage which usually happens to celebrities is their loss of privacy. Their personal lives are being watched and encroached by the public. The public wants to know every single detail about them, which sometimes makes their lives more miserable.

          Once the celebrities become popular, they are desperate to stay there. In order to maintain their fame, some celebrities will do anything just to appear in the tabloids. Most of them enjoy the publicity. However, they complain about the paparazzi who like taking their photographs. They claim that the paparazzi have intimidated their personal life. By doing this, the celebrities attract public sympathy.

          In spite of receiving public attention, celebrities are often unable to distinguish their genuine friends from from the false ones. Some people would like to befriend celebrities merely because they also want to be in the limelight. However, whenn the celebrities are in trouble, these friends will leave them as fast as they wanted to befriend them.

          Given this situation, I would say that living a normal life, as ordinary people do, is the best way of living. Ordinary people can go anywhere or do anything they want to, without being watched or scrutinized. Therefore, do not be sad if you are not a celebrity. You can still have a wonderful life.

  1. The above text uses mostly …..

a. past continuous tense.     b. simple future tense.     c. reported speech.     d. simple past tense.     e. simple present tense

  1. The text mainly discusses ……

a. the price to pay for being famous celebrities.     b. the extravagant lifestyles of the famous celebrities.     c. the celebrities’ personal lives.     d. the pros and cons of being famous celebrities.     e. the benefits of being with famous celebrities.

  1. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

a. Celebrities will do anything in order to let the paparazzi go after them.     b. Celebrities enjoy the media attention.      c. Celebrities are constantly harassed by the paparazzi. d. Celebrities want publicity because fame is important to them.     e. Celebrities like to appear in the tabloids.

  1. According to the text, which of the following statements is not true?

a. Celebrities work very hard to get famous.               b. Celebrities dislike paparazzi.      c. Paparazzi dislike celebrities.     d. Celebrities cannot differentiate between genuine and false friends.     e. Celebrities love publicity.

  1. What does “scrutinize” (paragraph 5) mean?

It means ……

a. to run quickly with short steps.     b. to examine smothing carefully.     c. to be   followed.       d. to make an effort.     e. to do what is right or honest

  1. Read the text above. What type of text is it?

a. Descriptive text.     b. Narrative text       c. Recount text     d. Hortatory exposition text.     e. Analytical exposition text

  1. Explain your answer for question 6.





  1. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. To convince the readers to accept the writer’s point of view.        b. To request the readers to decide on their own.       c. To entertain the readers.         d. To retell a story.     e. To describe an event

  1. What do celebrities do to maintain their fame?


  1. Do you agree with the last paragraph? Why/why not?



  1. Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates on the writer’s idea about the phenomenon surrounding and to persuade the reader or listener. In other words, analytical exposition is the same as hortatory exposition which aims to convince readers or listeners of the author’s opinion.
  2. Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain to the listeners or reader that something should or should not happen, or in other words, the hortatory text is a form of text that serves to explain a matter and serves to influence the reader or listener.
  4. Analytical: the last paragraph is a Conclusion. The last paragraph used to recommend something.

Hortatory: the last paragraph is a Recommendation. The last paragraph is used by the writer to make the reader follow the idea of the writer.

Penggunaan Idiom dan Teknik Penerjemahan Yang Tepat Dalam Penerjemahan Teks Naratif “War And Peace karya Pujangga Rusia Leo Tolstoy

Max Mario Lala
NIM : 022122255
Program S1 Sastra Inggris Bidang Minat Penerjemahan

Fakultas Hukum Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Terbuka


Dunia kesusasteraan amat luas wilayahnya, tidak hanya mencakup wilayah tanah air Indonesia saja tetapi melewati batas negara-negara yang ada di seluruh dunia.Melalui karya sastra karya para pujangga dari seluruh dunia, kita dapat menikmati keindahan karya tulis sekaligus mempelajari dan mengetahui sejarah 

Dalam karya sastra, biasa digunakan idiom yang dapat membuat hasil karya tersebut terasa bernuansa lebih indah dan lebih mudah dipahami oleh penutur asli suatu bahasa. Idiom dalam bahasa yang satu berbeda dengan bahasa yang lainnya.Dalam hal inilah peran seorang penerjemah diperlukan, agar suatu idiom dalam suatu bahasa atau teks sumber (TSu) dapat dicari padanannya yang tepat di dalam bahasa atau teks sasaran (TSa). Teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan di sini adalah Penerjemahan Adaptasi, Literal,deskripsi, dan Kalke (calque) dan metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah Penerjemahan Idiomatik.

Kata kunci: penerjemahan, teknik penerjemahan, idiomatik


1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian

Pada era global sekarang ini, arus informasi hampir tidak mengenal batas negara, terkecuali di negara-negara yang menerapkan sensor ketat terhadap arus informasi yang keluar masuk negaranya. Biasanya hal ini berlaku di negara-negara komunis terutama Korea Utara dan Cuba. Tetapi Negara-negara seperti itupun tetap memerlukan informasi dari luar, terutama bagi pejabat atau pemimpin negaranya. Informasi yang mengalir secara global itu kebanyakan menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai medianya. Dalam hal inilah terasa akan perlunya jasa dari para penerjemah.

Informasi yang diperlukan oleh warga dunia sekarang ini bermacam-macam jenisnya, ada yang berupa informasi ekonomi, politik, sosial budaya, kesenian, dan sejarah. Karya sastra yang ditulis oleh para pujangga dari seluruh dunia juga sangat diperlukan karena memiliki kandungan informasi sejarah dan budaya dari suatu bangsa, dan sekaligus sebagai sarana hiburan dan perluasan wawasan bagi para pembacanya.

Karya ilmiah ini menggunakan beberapa macam teknik dalam menerjemahkan teks naratif hasil karya seorang pujangga besar Rusia di abad ke-19 yaitu Leo Tolstoy, berjudul “War and Peace atau Perang dan Damai, yang mengandung idiom atau istilah-istilah yang tidak berpadanan dengan bahasa sasaran. Penulis menggunakan metode penerjemahan idiomatis yaitu metode penerjemahan yang condong kepada BSa.

Kiranya pada pembaca Karya Ilmiah (KARIL) ini dapat dengan lebih mudah memahami teks terjemahan, dengan adanya penerapan teknik penerjemahan yang relevan, khususnya dalam memahami idiom bahasa sumber (BSu) yang tidak mudah dipahami oleh para pembaca.

1.2 Perumusan Masalah (Research Question)

Dari latar belakang tersebut di atas, maka dapat dirumuskan beberapa pertanyaan sebagai berikut:

  • Penyebab digunakannya metode dan teknik penerjemahan yang dekat dengan BSa?
  • Bagaimanakah penerapan metode penerjemahan yang dekat dengan BSa pada teks naratif dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia?

1.3 Tujuan Penelitian (Objective)

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk dapat lebih memahami penggunaan metode dan teknik penerjemahan yang lebih dekat Bsa ketika menerjemahkan teks naratif. Harapan penulis semoga para pembaca Karya Ilmiah dapat lebih memahami karya sastra yang diterjemahkan termasuk idiom-idiom yang ada.

1.4 Manfaat Translation Portfolio

Manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari Translation Portfolio ini adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Para pembaca lebih mudah memahami proses alih bahasa dari TSu ke dalam TSa untuk menghasilkan hasil terjemahan yang sepadan.
  2. Melalui teknik-teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan, para pembaca dapat lebih mudah memahami teknik-teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan sekaligus memahami konten dari teks terjemahan.


2.1 Definisi Penerjemahan

Definisi Penerjemahan menurut Catford “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language  by equivalent textual material in another language. (Catford, 1965:20)

Definisi penerjemahan menurut Newmark dalam bukunya Approaches To Translation (1981:7) “Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.” Newmark (1988:45) mengelompokkan metode-metode penerjemahan yang dikenal sebagai diagram V. Kelompok di sebelah kiri memberikan penekanan pada BSu yaitu: penerjemahan kata per kata (word to word translation), penerjemahan harfiah (literal translation), penerjemahan setia (faithful translation), dan penerjemahan semantik (semantic translation). Di sebelah kanan diagram V adalah kelompok penerjemahan yang menitikberatkan pada BSa yakni: adaptasi (adaption translation), penerjemahan bebas (free translation), penerjemahan idiomatik (idiomatic translation), dan penerjemahan komunikatif (communicative translation).

2.2 Teknik Penerjemahan

Teknik penerjemahan yang lazim digunakan dalam penerjemahan penulis gambarkan pada tabel berikut:

No.Teknik PenerjemahanNo.Teknik Penerjemahan
3Peminjaman7Kreasi diskursif
4Calque8Padanan lazim


3.1 Metode

Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk pembuatan karya ilmiah ini adalah metode kualitatif berdasarkan analisis teks yaitu dengan membandingkan teks sumber (TSu) dan teks Sasaran (TSa)

3.2 Data Penelitian

Data yang digunakan sebagai dasar penyusunan Karya Ilmiah ini adalah sebuah teks naratif yang tersusun sejumlah 668 kata, sebagai ringkasan yang diambil dari novel karya pujangga Rusia Leo Tolstoy, berjudul “War and Peace”. Teks sumber berasal dari sebuah Video Youtube yang dipublikasikan pada tanggal 25 April 2018 oleh Stories Explained, dengan perubahan seperlunya.

3.3 Pemrosesan Data

Teks Sumber disandingkan dengan Teks Sasaran dengan identifikasi sebagai berikut:

  1. Teks Sumber (TSu)
  2. Teks Sasaran (TSa)


Berikut ini sebuah teks naratif dengan judul ‘War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy’ yang dicatat oleh penulis dari video Youtube sebagai bahan penyusunan makalah terjemahan gunamembahas penerapan metode penerjemahan Idiomatik yang dilengkapi dengan teknik-teknik penerjemahan yang sesuai untuk dapat dipahami dengan mudah oleh pembaca TSa. TSu ini oleh penulis dibagi ke dalam paragraf-paragraf sebagai berikut:

Paragraf 1

War and Peace opened in the Russian city of St. Petersburg in 1805, as Napoleon’ conquest of western Europe was just beginning to stir fears in Russia.Kisah Perang dan Damai ini bermula di kota St. Petersburg, Rusia, di tahun 1805, saat Napoleon menaklukkan Eropa dan mulai menebar ketakutan di Rusia.

Dalam TSu dan TSa, frasa yang penulis tebalkan adalah idiom dari bahasa sumber dan padanannya dalam bahasa sasaran.

Paragraf 2

Many of the novel’s characters were introduced at a society hostess’s party, among them Pierre Bezukhov, the socially awkward but likeable, illegitimate son of a rich count, and Andrei Bolkonsky, the intelligent and ambitious son of a retired military commander.Tokoh-tokoh dalam novel tersebut banyak yang saling berkenalan dalam acara pesta komunitas mereka, di antaranya Pierre Bezukhov, anak di luar nikah dari seorang bangsawan kaya, seorang yang populer namun kerap tampil canggung, dan Andrei Bolkonsky, putra seorang perwira militer, yang cerdas dan ambisius.

Frasa illegitimate son of a rich count penulis terjemahkan dengan teknik adaptasi menjadi anak di luar nikah, supaya tidak berkesan kasar.

Paragraf 3

We are introduced to the Rostovs, a noble Moscow family, including the lively daughter Natasha, the quiet cousin Sonya, and the impetuous son Nicholas who had just joined the army led by the old General Kutuzov.Di sini kita juga berkenalan dengan keluarga Rostov, keluarga bangsawan dari kota Moscow, putri mereka Natasha yang ceria, keponakan mereka Sonya yang pendiam dan Nicholas, putra mereka yang tidak sabaran, yang baru saja masuk ketentaraan di bawah pimpinan Jenderal tua, Kutuzov.

Kata lively daughter penulis padankan dengan kata ceria di dalam bahasa Indonesia, dengan menggunakan teknik padanan lazim.

Paragraf 4

The Russian troops were mobilized in alliance with the Austrian empire, which was currently resisting Napolen’s onslaught.Tentara Rusia digerakkan bersama-sama dengan sekutunya dari kekaisaran Austria, untuk menahan serangan gencar dari tentara kaisar Napoleon.

Kata onslaught penulis padankan dengan serangan gencar dimana di sini penulis menggunakan teknik penerjemahan literal.

Paragraf 5

Andrei was wounded at the battle of Austerlitz, and though he survived, he was long presumed dead. Pierre was made sole heir of his father’s fortune and marries Helene Kuragin in a daze. Helene cheats on Pierre, and he challenges her seducer to a duel in which Pierre nearly kills the man.Andrei terluka dalam pertempuran Austerlitz, dan meskipun selamat, saat itu dia lama dianggap sudah tiada Pierre menjadi pewaris tunggal kekayaan ayahnya dan menikahi Helene Kuragin secara asal-asalan. Helene berselingkuh dari Pierre, membuatnya marah dan menantang penggoda istrinya berduel. Pierre hampir saja membunuh laki-laki itu.

Pada paragraph 5 ini, penulis menerjemahkan frasa atau idiom in a daze menjadi secara asal-asalan, menggunakan teknik deskriptif, karena dirasa tidak ada padanan yang tepat dalam bahasa sasaran.

Paragraf 6 dan 7

Andrei’s wife, Lise, gives birth to a son just as Andrei arrives home to his estate, much to the shock of his family. Lise dies in childbirth, leaving Andrei’s devout sister Maria to raise the son. Pierre, disillusioned by married life, leaves his wife and becomes involved with the spiritual practice of Freemasonry.Istri Andrei, Lise, melahirkan seorang putra tepat ketika Andrei tiba kembali di rumahnya. Hal ini sangat mengejutkan keluarganya. Lise meninggal saat melahirkan, meninggalkan saudara perempuan Andrei yang saleh Maria membesarkan putranya. Pierre, kecewa dengan kehidupan pernikahannya, meninggalkan istrinya dan terlibat dengan praktik kebatinan Freemasonry (perkumpulan orang-orang yang seide).

Frasa dies in childbirth penulis terjemahkan sebagai meninggal saat melahirkan yang merupakan padanan yang tepat dalam TSa. Dalam hal ini, penulis menggunakan teknik literal.

Freemasonry diberi penjelasan tambahan dalam kurung karena belum ada padanan yang tepat dalam TSa.

Paragraf 8

The Rostov family’s fortunes are failing, thanks in part to Nicholas’s gambling debts. The Rostov’s consider selling their beloved family estate, Otradnoe. Nicholas’ army career continues, and he witnesses the great peace between Napoleon and Tsar Alexander. Natasha grows up, attends her first ball, and falls in love with various men before becoming seriously attached to Andrei. Andrei’s father objects to the marriage, and requires Andrei to wait a year before wedding Natasha. Natasha reluctantly submits to this demand, and Andrei goes off to travel. His father becomes irritable and cruel toward Maria, who accepts the cruelty with Christian forgiveness. Natasha is attracted to Anatole Kuragin, who confesses his love. Andrei comes home and rejects Natasha for her involvement with Anatole. Pierre consoles Natasha and feels an attraction toward her.Kekayaan keluarga Rostov jatuh, sebagian diakibatkan hutang judi Nicholas. The Rostov mempertimbangkan untuk menjual gedung mewah tercinta warisan keluarga mereka, Otradnoe. Karier militer Nicholas berlanjut, dan dia menyaksikan perdamaian yang menakjubkan antara Napoleon dan Tsar Alexander. Natasha tumbuh dewasa, menghadiri pesta pertamanya, dan jatuh cinta beberapa kali pada beberapa pria sebelum akhirnya serius dengan Andrei. Ayah Andrei keberatan dengan pernikahan itu, dan meminta Andrei menunggu setahun sebelum pernikahan Natasha. Natasha dengan enggan tunduk pada permintaan ini, dan Andrei pergi bepergian. Ayah mereka berubah mudah tersinggung dan berlaku kejam terhadap Maria, yang menerima perlakuan ini dengan pengampunan Kristen. Natasha tertarik pada Anatole Kuragin, yang mengaku mencintainya. Andrei pulang dan menolak hubungan Natasha tersebut. Pierre menghibur Natasha dan merasa tertarik padanya.

Untuk paragraph yang ke delapan ini, penulis merasa bahwa makna sudah bersesuaian antara TSu dan TSa serta mudah dipahami pembaca TSa, jadi penulis tidak menambahkan pembahasan di sini.

Paragraf 9

Pierre observes Moscow’s response to Napoleon’s threat and develops a crazy sense that he has a mission to assassinate Napoleon. The French approach the Bolkonsky estate, and Maria and the old Prince Bolkonsky (Andrei’s father) are advised to leave. Maria, finally forced to leave her estate, finds the local peasants hostile. The Russians and French fight a decisive battle at Borodino, where the smaller Russian army inexplicably defeats the French forces, much to Napoleon’s dismay. Helene seeks an annulment of her marriage with Pierre in order to mary a foreign prince. Distressed by this news, Pierre becomes deranged and flees his companions, wandering alone through Moscow.  Pierre mengamati respon Moskow terhadap ancaman Napoleon dan merasakan suatu kegilaan seolah-olah dia mendapatkan misi membunuh Napoleon. Prancis mendekati perkebunan Bolkonsky, kemudian Maria dan Pangeran Bolkonsky (ayah Andrei) disarankan untuk pergi. Maria, akhirnya terpaksa meninggalkan tanah miliknya, membaur dengan para petani setempat yang tidak bersahabat. Helene berusaha membatalkan pernikahannya dengan Pierre supaya bisa menikahi seorang pangeran asing. Tertekan oleh kabar ini, Pierre menjadi gila dan melarikan diri dari kelompoknya, mengembara sendirian di Moskow.

Untuk paragraph yang ke sembilan ini, penulis merasa bahwa makna sudah bersesuaian antara TSu dan TSa serta mudah dipahami pembaca TSa, jadi penulis tidak menambahkan pembahasan di sini.

Paragraf 10

Meanwhile, the Rostovs pack up their belongings, preparing to evacuate, but they abandon their possessions to convey wounded soldiers instead. Natasha’s younger brother Petya enters the army. On the way out of the city, the Rostovs take along the wounded Andrei with them. Still obsessed with his mission of killing Napoleon, he saves a girl from a fire but is apprehended by the French authorities. Pierre witnesses the execution of several of his prison mates, and bonds with a wise peasant named Platon Karataev. Nicholas’ aunt tries to arrange a marriage between Nicholas and Maria, but Nicholas resists, remembering his commitment to Sonya.Sementara itu, keluarga Rostov mengepak barang-barang mereka siap-siap mengungsi, tetapi kemudian mereka meninggalkan barang-barang mereka untuk membawa tentara yang terluka sebagai gantinya. Adik Natasha, Petya, memasuki dinas ketentaraan. Dalam perjalanan keluar kota, keluarga Rostov membawa Andrei yang terluka bersama mereka. Masih terobsesi dengan misinya membunuh Napoleon, ia menyelamatkan seorang gadis dari kebakaran tetapi kemudian tertangkap oleh otoritas Prancis. Pierre menyaksikan eksekusi beberapa teman penjaranya, dan menjalin pertemanan dengan seorang petani bijak bernama Platon Karataev. Bibi Nicholas coba mengatur pernikahan antara Nicholas dan Maria, tetapi ditolak Nicholas, mengingat komitmennya pada Sonya.

Untuk paragraf ke sepuluh ini, penulis menerjemahkan kata bond dengan menjalin pertemanan, agar lebih mudah dipahami. Teknik penerjemahan yang dipakai di sini yaitu teknik deskripsi.

Paragraf 11

Maria visits the Rostovs to see the wounded Andrei, and Natasha and Maria grow closer. Andrei forgives Natasha, declaring his love for her before he dies. General Kutusov leads the Russian troops back toward Moscow, which the French have finally abandoned after their defeat at Borodino. The French force the Russian prisoners of war, including Pierre, to march with them. The Russians follow the retreating French, and small fighting ensues. Pierre, after being liberated from the French, falls ill for three months. Upon recovering, he realizes his love for Natasha, which she reciprocates. Pierre and Natasha are married in 1813 and eventually have four children. Nicholas weds Maria, resolving his family’s financial problems. Despite some tensions, Nicholas and Maria enjoy a happy family life.  Maria mengunjungi keluarga Rostovs untuk menjenguk Andrei yang terluka, Natasha dan Maria semakin akrab. Andrei memaafkan Natasha, menyatakan cintanya padanya sebelum akhirnya meninggal. Jenderal Kutusov memimpin pasukan Rusia kembali ke Moskow, yang akhirnya ditinggalkan Prancis setelah kekalahan mereka di Borodino. Pihak Perancis memaksa tawanan perang Rusia termasuk Pierre, berbaris bersama mereka. Orang Rusia mengikuti gerak mundur Prancis, dan pertempuran kecil terjadi kemudian. Pierre, setelah dibebaskan dari Prancis, jatuh sakit selama tiga bulan. Setelah pulih, ia menyadari bahwa dia mencintai Natasha, yang mendapat balasan dari Natasha. Pierre dan Natasha menikah pada tahun 1813 dan akhirnya memiliki empat anak. Nicholas menikahi Maria, hal ini menyelesaikan masalah keuangan keluarganya. Meskipun terkadang ada sedikit pertengkaran, Nicholas dan Maria menikmati kehidupan keluarga yang bahagia.

Untuk paragraph yang ke sebelas ini, penulis merasa bahwa makna sudah bersesuaian antara TSu dan TSa serta mudah dipahami pembaca TSa, jadi penulis tidak menambahkan pembahasan di sini.


Metode penerjemahan idiomatik yang dilengkapi dengan seperangkat teknik penerjemahan

Yang tepat amat berguna dalam penerjemahan fiksi, karena membantu pembaca TSa untuk lebih memahami TSa. Metode ini juga memberikan nuansa keindahan pada suatu karya fiksi.

Daftar Pustaka

Newmark, Peter. (1988). A Text book of Translation. New York : Prentice Hall

Newmark, Peter. (1981). Approaches To Translation. New York : Prentice Hall

Suryawinata, Zuchridin & Hariyanto, Sugeng. (2016) TRANSLATION Bahasan Teori & Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan Edisi Revisi. Malang : Media Nusa Creative

Budiman, Rahmat []. (2011). Teori dan Masalah Penerjemahan. Tangerang Selatan : Universitas Terbuka

Penggunaan Idiom dan Teknik Penerjemahan Yang Tepat Dalam Penerjemahan Teks Naratif “War And Peace karya Pujangga Rusia Leo Tolstoy”

Max Mario Lala

NIM: 022122255

Program S1 Sastra Inggris Bidang Minat Penerjemahan

Fakultas Hukum Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Terbuka


Dunia kesusasteraan amat luas wilayahnya, tidak hanya mencakup wilayah tanah air Indonesia saja tetapi melewati batas negara-negara yang ada di seluruh dunia.Melalui karya sastra karya para pujangga dari seluruh dunia, kita dapat menikmati keindahan karya tulis sekaligus mempelajari dan mengetahui sejarah.

Dalam karya sastra, biasa digunakan idiom yang dapat membuat hasil karya tersebut terasa bernuansa lebih indah dan lebih mudah dipahami oleh penutur asli suatu bahasa. Idiom dalam bahasa yang satu berbeda dengan bahasa yang lainnya.Dalam hal inilah peran seorang penerjemah diperlukan, agar suatu idiom dalam suatu bahasa atau teks sumber (TSu) dapat dicari padanannya yang tepat di dalam bahasa atau teks sasaran (TSa). Teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan di sini adalah Penerjemahan Adaptasi, Literal,deskripsi, dan Kalke (calque) dan metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah Penerjemahan Idiomatik.

Kata kunci: penerjemahan, teknik penerjemahan, idiomatik


1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian

Pada era global sekarang ini, arus informasi hampir tidak mengenal batas negara, terkecuali di negara-negara yang menerapkan sensor ketat terhadap arus informasi yang keluar masuk negaranya. Biasanya hal ini berlaku di negara-negara komunis terutama Korea Utara dan Cuba. Tetapi Negara-negara seperti itupun tetap memerlukan informasi dari luar, terutama bagi pejabat atau pemimpin negaranya. Informasi yang mengalir secara global itu kebanyakan menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai medianya. Dalam hal inilah terasa akan perlunya jasa dari para penerjemah.

Informasi yang diperlukan oleh warga dunia sekarang ini bermacam-macam jenisnya, ada yang berupa informasi ekonomi, politik, sosial budaya, kesenian, dan sejarah. Karya sastra yang ditulis oleh para pujangga dari seluruh dunia juga sangat diperlukan karena memiliki kandungan informasi sejarah dan budaya dari suatu bangsa, dan sekaligus sebagai sarana hiburan dan perluasan wawasan bagi para pembacanya.

Karya ilmiah ini menggunakan beberapa macam teknik dalam menerjemahkan teks naratif hasil karya seorang pujangga besar Rusia di abad ke-19 yaitu Leo Tolstoy, berjudul “War and Peace atau Perang dan Damai, yang mengandung idiom atau istilah-istilah yang tidak berpadanan dengan bahasa sasaran. Penulis menggunakan metode penerjemahan idiomatis yaitu metode penerjemahan yang condong kepada BSa.

Kiranya pada pembaca Karya Ilmiah (KARIL) ini dapat dengan lebih mudah memahami teks terjemahan, dengan adanya penerapan teknik penerjemahan yang relevan, khususnya dalam memahami idiom bahasa sumber (BSu) yang tidak mudah dipahami oleh para pembaca.

1.2 Perumusan Masalah (Research Question)

Dari latar belakang tersebut di atas, maka dapat dirumuskan beberapa pertanyaan sebagai berikut:

  • Penyebab digunakannya metode dan teknik penerjemahan yang dekat dengan BSa?
  • Bagaimanakah penerapan metode penerjemahan yang dekat dengan BSa pada teks naratif dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia?

    1.3 Tujuan Penelitian (Objective)

    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk dapat lebih memahami penggunaan metode dan teknik penerjemahan yang lebih dekat Bsa ketika menerjemahkan teks naratif. Harapan penulis semoga para pembaca Karya Ilmiah dapat lebih memahami karya sastra yang diterjemahkan termasuk idiom-idiom yang ada.

  • 1.4 Manfaat Translation Portfolio

    Manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari Translation Portfolio ini adalah sebagai berikut:

    • Para pembaca lebih mudah memahami proses alih bahasa dari TSu ke dalam TSa untuk menghasilkan hasil terjemahan yang sepadan.
    • Melalui teknik-teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan, para pembaca dapat lebih mudah memahami teknik-teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan sekaligus memahami konten dari teks terjemahan.

      2.1 Definisi Penerjemahan

      Definisi Penerjemahan menurut Catford “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language. (Catford, 1965:20) Definisi penerjemahan menurut Newmark dalam bukunya Approaches To Translation (1981:7) “Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.” Newmark (1988:45) mengelompokkan metode-metode penerjemahan yang dikenal sebagai diagram V. Kelompok di sebelah kiri memberikan penekanan pada BSu yaitu: penerjemahan kata per kata (word to word translation), penerjemahan harfiah (literal translation), penerjemahan setia (faithful translation), dan penerjemahan semantik (semantic translation). Di sebelah kanan diagram V adalah kelompok penerjemahan yang menitikberatkan pada BSa yakni: adaptasi (adaption translation), penerjemahan bebas (free translation), penerjemahan idiomatik (idiomatic translation), dan penerjemahan komunikatif (communicative translation).

    • 2.2 Teknik Penerjemahan
      Teknik penerjemahan yang lazim digunakan dalam penerjemahan penulis gambarkan pada tabel


      Teknik Penerjemahan


      Teknik Penerjemahan












      Kreasi diskursif




      Padanan lazim

      3.1 Metode
      Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk pembuatan karya ilmiah ini adalah metode kualitatif berdasarkan analisis teks yaitu dengan membandingkan teks sumber (TSu) dan teks Sasaran (TSa)

      3.2 Data Penelitian
      Data yang digunakan sebagai dasar penyusunan Karya Ilmiah ini adalah sebuah teks naratif yang tersusun sejumlah 668 kata, sebagai ringkasan yang diambil dari novel karya pujangga Rusia Leo Tolstoy, berjudul “War and Peace“. Teks sumber berasal dari sebuah Video Youtube yang dipublikasikan pada tanggal 25 April 2018 oleh Stories Explained, dengan perubahan seperlunya.
      3.3 Pemrosesan Data

      Teks Sumber disandingkan dengan Teks Sasaran dengan identifikasi sebagai berikut:

    • Teks Sumber (TSu)
    • Teks Sasaran (TSa)


      Berikut ini sebuah teks naratif dengan judul ‘War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy‘ yang dicatat oleh penulis dari video Youtube sebagai bahan penyusunan makalah terjemahan guna
      membahas penerapan metode penerjemahan Idiomatik yang dilengkapi dengan teknik-teknik penerjemahan yang sesuai untuk dapat dipahami dengan mudah oleh pembaca TSa. TSu ini oleh penulis dibagi ke dalam paragraf-paragraf sebagai berikut:

      Paragraf 1


      War and Peace opened in the Russian city of St. Petersburg in 1805, as Napoleon’ conquest of western Europe was just beginning to stir fears in Russia.

      Kisah Perang dan Damai ini bermula di kota St. Petersburg, Rusia, di tahun 1805, saat Napoleon menaklukkan Eropa dan mulai menebar ketakutan di Rusia.

      Dalam TSu dan TSa, frasa yang penulis tebalkan adalah idiom dari bahasa sumber dan padanannya dalam bahasa sasaran.

      Paragraf 2

      TSu TSa

      Many of the novel’s characters were introduced at a society hostess’s party, among them Pierre Bezukhov, the socially awkward but likeable, illegitimate son of a rich count, and Andrei Bolkonsky, the intelligent and ambitious son of a retired military commander.

      Tokoh-tokoh dalam novel tersebut banyak yang saling berkenalan dalam acara pesta komunitas mereka, di antaranya Pierre Bezukhov, anak di luar nikah dari seorang bangsawan kaya, seorang yang populer namun kerap tampil canggung, dan Andrei Bolkonsky, putra seorang perwira militer, yang cerdas dan ambisius.

      Frasa illegitimate son of a rich count penulis terjemahkan dengan teknik adaptasi menjadi anak di luar nikah, supaya tidak berkesan kasar.

      Paragraf 3

      TSu TSa

      We are introduced to the Rostovs, a noble Moscow family, including the lively daughter Natasha, the quiet cousin Sonya, and the impetuous son Nicholas who had just joined the army led by the old General Kutuzov.

      Di sini kita juga berkenalan dengan keluarga Rostov, keluarga bangsawan dari kota Moscow, putri mereka Natasha yang ceria, keponakan mereka Sonya yang pendiam dan Nicholas, putra mereka yang tidak sabaran, yang baru saja masuk ketentaraan di bawah pimpinan Jenderal tua, Kutuzov.

      Kata lively daughter penulis padankan dengan kata ceria di dalam bahasa Indonesia, dengan menggunakan teknik padanan lazim.

      Paragraf 4

      TSu TSa

      The Russian troops were mobilized in alliance with the Austrian empire, which was currently resisting Napolen’s onslaught.

      Tentara Rusia digerakkan bersama-sama dengan sekutunya dari kekaisaran Austria, untuk menahan serangan gencar dari tentara kaisar Napoleon.

      Kata onslaught penulis padankan dengan serangan gencar dimana di sini penulis menggunakan teknik penerjemahan literal.

      Paragraf 5

      TSu TSa

      Andrei was wounded at the battle of Austerlitz, and though he survived, he was long presumed dead. Pierre was made sole heir of his father’s fortune and marries Helene Kuragin in a daze. Helene cheats on Pierre, and he challenges her seducer to a duel in which Pierre nearly kills the man.

      Andrei terluka dalam pertempuran Austerlitz, dan meskipun selamat, saat itu dia lama dianggap sudah tiada Pierre menjadi pewaris tunggal kekayaan ayahnya dan menikahi Helene Kuragin secara asal-asalan. Helene berselingkuh dari Pierre, membuatnya marah dan menantang penggoda istrinya berduel. Pierre hampir saja membunuh laki-laki itu.

      Pada paragraph 5 ini, penulis menerjemahkan frasa atau idiom in a daze menjadi secara asal-asalan, menggunakan teknik deskriptif, karena dirasa tidak ada padanan yang tepat dalam bahasa sasaran.

      Paragraf 6 dan 7

      TSu TSa

      Andrei’s wife, Lise, gives birth to a son just as Andrei arrives home to his estate, much to the shock of his family. Lise dies in childbirth, leaving Andrei’s devout sister Maria to raise the son.

      Pierre, disillusioned by married life, leaves his wife and becomes involved with the spiritual practice of Freemasonry.

      Istri Andrei, Lise, melahirkan seorang putra tepat ketika Andrei tiba kembali di rumahnya. Hal ini sangat mengejutkan keluarganya. Lise meninggal saat melahirkan, meninggalkan saudara perempuan Andrei yang saleh Maria membesarkan putranya.

      Pierre, kecewa dengan kehidupan pernikahannya, meninggalkan istrinya dan terlibat dengan praktik kebatinan Freemasonry (perkumpulan orang-orang yang seide).

      Frasa dies in childbirth penulis terjemahkan sebagai meninggal saat melahirkan yang merupakan padanan yang tepat dalam TSa. Dalam hal ini, penulis menggunakan teknik literal.
      Freemasonry diberi penjelasan tambahan dalam kurung karena belum ada padanan yang tepat dalam TSa.

      Paragraf 8

      TSu TSa

      The Rostov family’s fortunes are failing, thanks in part to Nicholas’s gambling debts. The Rostov’s consider selling their beloved family estate, Otradnoe. Nicholas’ army career continues, and he witnesses the great peace between Napoleon and Tsar Alexander. Natasha grows up, attends her first ball, and falls in love with various men before becoming seriously attached to Andrei. Andrei’s father objects to the marriage, and requires Andrei to wait a year before wedding Natasha. Natasha reluctantly submits to this demand, and Andrei goes off to travel. His father becomes irritable and cruel toward Maria, who accepts the cruelty with Christian forgiveness. Natasha is attracted to Anatole Kuragin, who confesses his love. Andrei comes home and rejects Natasha for her involvement with Anatole. Pierre consoles Natasha and feels an attraction toward her.

      Kekayaan keluarga Rostov jatuh, sebagian diakibatkan hutang judi Nicholas. The Rostov mempertimbangkan untuk menjual gedung mewah tercinta warisan keluarga mereka, Otradnoe. Karier militer Nicholas berlanjut, dan dia menyaksikan perdamaian yang menakjubkan antara Napoleon dan Tsar Alexander. Natasha tumbuh dewasa, menghadiri pesta pertamanya, dan jatuh cinta beberapa kali pada beberapa pria sebelum akhirnya serius dengan Andrei. Ayah Andrei keberatan dengan pernikahan itu, dan meminta Andrei menunggu setahun sebelum pernikahan Natasha. Natasha dengan enggan tunduk pada permintaan ini, dan Andrei pergi bepergian. Ayah mereka berubah mudah tersinggung dan berlaku kejam terhadap Maria, yang menerima perlakuan ini dengan pengampunan Kristen. Natasha tertarik pada Anatole Kuragin, yang mengaku mencintainya. Andrei pulang dan menolak hubungan Natasha tersebut. Pierre menghibur Natasha dan merasa tertarik padanya.

      Untuk paragraph yang ke delapan ini, penulis merasa bahwa makna sudah bersesuaian antara TSu dan TSa serta mudah dipahami pembaca TSa, jadi penulis tidak menambahkan pembahasan di sini.

      Paragraf 9

      TSu TSa

      Pierre observes Moscow’s response to Napoleon’s threat and develops a crazy sense that he has a mission to assassinate Napoleon. The French approach the Bolkonsky estate, and Maria and the old Prince Bolkonsky (Andrei’s father) are advised to leave. Maria, finally forced to leave her estate, finds the local peasants hostile. The Russians and French fight a decisive battle at Borodino, where the smaller Russian army inexplicably defeats the French forces, much to Napoleon’s dismay. Helene seeks an annulment of her marriage with Pierre in order to mary a foreign prince. Distressed by this news, Pierre becomes deranged and flees his companions, wandering alone through Moscow.

      Pierre mengamati respon Moskow terhadap ancaman Napoleon dan merasakan suatu kegilaan seolah-olah dia mendapatkan misi membunuh Napoleon. Prancis mendekati perkebunan Bolkonsky, kemudian Maria dan Pangeran Bolkonsky (ayah Andrei) disarankan untuk pergi. Maria, akhirnya terpaksa meninggalkan tanah miliknya, membaur dengan para petani setempat yang tidak bersahabat. Helene berusaha membatalkan pernikahannya dengan Pierre supaya bisa menikahi seorang pangeran asing. Tertekan oleh kabar ini, Pierre menjadi gila dan melarikan diri dari kelompoknya, mengembara sendirian di Moskow.

      Untuk paragraph yang ke sembilan ini, penulis merasa bahwa makna sudah bersesuaian antara TSu dan TSa serta mudah dipahami pembaca TSa, jadi penulis tidak menambahkan pembahasan di sini.

      Paragraf 10

      TSu TSa

      Meanwhile, the Rostovs pack up their belongings, preparing to evacuate, but they abandon their possessions to convey wounded soldiers instead. Natasha’s younger brother Petya enters the army. On the way out of the city, the Rostovs take along the wounded Andrei with them. Still obsessed with his mission of killing Napoleon, he saves a girl from a fire but is apprehended by the French authorities. Pierre witnesses the execution of several of his prison mates, and bonds with a wise peasant named Platon Karataev. Nicholas’ aunt tries to arrange a marriage between Nicholas and Maria, but Nicholas resists, remembering his commitment to Sonya.

      Sementara itu, keluarga Rostov mengepak barang-barang mereka siap-siap mengungsi, tetapi kemudian mereka meninggalkan barang-barang mereka untuk membawa tentara yang terluka sebagai gantinya. Adik Natasha, Petya, memasuki dinas ketentaraan. Dalam perjalanan keluar kota, keluarga Rostov membawa Andrei yang terluka bersama mereka. Masih terobsesi dengan misinya membunuh Napoleon, ia menyelamatkan seorang gadis dari kebakaran tetapi kemudian tertangkap oleh otoritas Prancis. Pierre menyaksikan eksekusi beberapa teman penjaranya, dan menjalin pertemanan dengan seorang petani bijak bernama Platon Karataev. Bibi Nicholas coba mengatur pernikahan antara Nicholas dan Maria, tetapi ditolak Nicholas, mengingat komitmennya pada Sonya.

      Untuk paragraf ke sepuluh ini, penulis menerjemahkan kata bond dengan menjalin pertemanan, agar lebih mudah dipahami. Teknik penerjemahan yang dipakai di sini yaitu teknik deskripsi.

      Paragraf 11

      TSu TSa

      Maria visits the Rostovs to see the wounded Andrei, and Natasha and Maria grow closer. Andrei forgives Natasha, declaring his love for her before he dies. General Kutusov leads the Russian troops back toward Moscow, which the French have finally abandoned after their defeat at Borodino. The French force the Russian prisoners of war, including Pierre, to march with them. The Russians follow the retreating French, and small fighting ensues. Pierre, after being liberated from the French, falls ill for three months. Upon recovering, he realizes his love for Natasha, which she reciprocates. Pierre and Natasha are married in 1813 and eventually have four children. Nicholas weds Maria, resolving his family’s financial problems. Despite some tensions, Nicholas and Maria enjoy a happy family life.

      Maria mengunjungi keluarga Rostovs untuk menjenguk Andrei yang terluka, Natasha dan Maria semakin akrab. Andrei memaafkan Natasha, menyatakan cintanya padanya sebelum akhirnya meninggal. Jenderal Kutusov memimpin pasukan Rusia kembali ke Moskow, yang akhirnya ditinggalkan Prancis setelah kekalahan mereka di Borodino. Pihak Perancis memaksa tawanan perang Rusia termasuk Pierre, berbaris bersama mereka. Orang Rusia mengikuti gerak mundur Prancis, dan pertempuran kecil terjadi kemudian. Pierre, setelah dibebaskan dari Prancis, jatuh sakit selama tiga bulan. Setelah pulih, ia menyadari bahwa dia mencintai Natasha, yang mendapat balasan dari Natasha. Pierre dan Natasha menikah pada tahun 1813 dan akhirnya memiliki empat anak. Nicholas menikahi Maria, hal ini menyelesaikan masalah keuangan keluarganya. Meskipun terkadang ada sedikit pertengkaran, Nicholas dan Maria menikmati kehidupan keluarga yang bahagia.

      Untuk paragraph yang ke sebelas ini, penulis merasa bahwa makna sudah bersesuaian antara TSu dan TSa serta mudah dipahami pembaca TSa, jadi penulis tidak menambahkan pembahasan di sini.

      Metode penerjemahan idiomatik yang dilengkapi dengan seperangkat teknik penerjemahan

      Yang tepat amat berguna dalam penerjemahan fiksi, karena membantu pembaca TSa untuk lebih memahami TSa. Metode ini juga memberikan nuansa keindahan pada suatu karya fiksi.

      Daftar Pustaka
      Newmark, Peter. (1988). A Text book of Translation. New York : Prentice Hall
      Newmark, Peter. (1981). Approaches To Translation. New York : Prentice Hall
      Suryawinata, Zuchridin & Hariyanto, Sugeng. (2016) TRANSLATION Bahasan Teori & Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan Edisi Revisi. Malang : Media Nusa Creative
      Budiman, Rahmat []. (2011). Teori dan Masalah Penerjemahan. Tangerang Selatan : Universitas Terbuka

Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace

Max Mario review Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace:
War and Peace opened in the Russian city of St. Petersburg in 1805, as Napoleon’s conquest of western Europe was just beginning to stir fears in Russia.

Many of the novel’s characters were introduced at a society hostess’s party, among them Pierre Bezukhov, the socially awkward but likeable, illegitimate son of a rich count, and Andrei Bolkonsky, the intelligent and ambitious son of a retired military commander.

We are introduced to the Rostovs, a noble Moscow family, including the lively daughter Natasha, the quiet cousin Sonya, and the impetuous son Nicholas who had just joined the army led by the old General Kutuzov.

The Russian troops were mobilized in alliance with the Austrian empire, which was currently resisting Napolen’s onslaught.

Andrei was wounded at the battle of Austerlitz, and though he survived, he was long presumed dead. Pierre was made sole heir of his father’s fortune and married Helene Kuragin in a daze. Helene cheated on Pierre, and he challenged her seducer to a duel in which Pierre nearly killed the man.

Andrei’s wife, Lise, gave birth to a son just as Andrei arrived home to his estate, much to the shock of his family. Lise died in childbirth, leaving Andrei’s devout sister Maria to raise the son.

Pierre, disillusioned by married life, left his wife and became involved with the spiritual practice of Freemasonry.

The Rostov family’s fortunes were failing, thanks in part to Nicholas’s gambling debts. The Rostov’s considered selling their beloved family estate, Otradnoe. Nicholas’ army career continues, and he witnessed the great peace between Napoleon and Tsar Alexander. Natasha grew up, attended her first ball, and falls in love with various men before becoming seriously attached to Andrei. Andrei’s father objected to the marriage, and required Andrei to wait a year before wedding Natasha. Natasha reluctantly submitted to this demand, and Andrei went off to travel. His father became irritable and cruel toward Maria, who accepted the cruelty with Christian forgiveness. Natasha was attracted to Anatole Kuragin, who confessed his love. Andrei came home and rejected Natasha for her involvement with Anatole. Pierre consoled Natasha and felt an attraction toward her.

Pierre observed Moscow’s response to Napoleon’s threat and developed a crazy sense that he had a mission to assassinate Napoleon. The French approached the Bolkonsky estate, and Maria and the old Prince Bolkonsky (Andrei’s father) were advised to leave. Maria, finally forced to leave her estate, finds the local peasants hostile. The Russians and French fought a decisive battle at Borodino, where the smaller Russian army inexplicably defeated the French forces, much to Napoleon’s dismay. Helene sought an annulment of her marriage with Pierre in order to mary a foreign prince. Distressed by this news, Pierre became deranged and fled his companions, wandering alone through Moscow.

Meanwhile, the Rostovs packed up their belongings, preparing to evacuate, but they abandoned their possessions to convey wounded soldiers instead. Natasha’s younger brother Petya entered the army. On the way out of the city, the Rostovs took along the wounded Andrei with them. Still obsessed with his mission of killing Napoleon, he saved a girl from a fire but was apprehended by the French authorities. Pierre witnessed the execution of several of his prison mates, and bonds with a wise peasant named Platon Karataev. Nicholas’ aunt tried to arrange a marriage between Nicholas and Maria, but Nicholas resisted, remembering his commitment to Sonya.

Maria visited the Rostovs to see the wounded Andrei, and Natasha and Maria grew closer. Andrei forgave Natasha, declaring his love for her before he died. General Kutusov led the Russian troops back toward Moscow, which the French had finally abandoned after their defeat at Borodino. The French forced the Russian prisoners of war, including Pierre, to march with them. The Russians followed the retreating French, and small fighting ensues. Pierre, after being liberated from the French, fell ill for three months. Upon recovering, he realized his love for Natasha, which she reciprocated. Pierre and Natasha were married in 1813 and eventually had four children. Nicholas wedded Maria, resolving his family’s financial problems. Despite some tensions, Nicholas and Maria enjoyed a happy family life.

Chinese Table Manners

Dining in a Chinese restaurant
A multitude of etiquette considerations occurs also when dining in China. There are some special differences in table manners from western countries.
a. A round dining table is more popular than a rectangular or square one. As many people who can be seated comfortably around it conveniently face one another. The guest of honor is always seated to the right of the host; the next in line will sit on his left. Guests should be seated after the host’s invitation, and it is discourteous to seat guests at the place where the dishes are served.

b. Dining may only begin once the host and all his guests are seated. The host should actively take care of all his guests, inviting them to enjoy their meal.

c. On a typical Chinese dining table, there is always a cup, a bowl on a small dish, together with the chopsticks and spoons. Dishes are always presented in the center of the table.

Our guests enjoy delicious Chinese food
Apart from soup, all dishes should be eaten with chopsticks. The Chinese are particular about the use of chopsticks. There are many no-no’s such as twiddling with chopsticks, licking chopsticks, or using them to stir up the food, gesture with them or point them at others. Never stick chopsticks in the center of the rice, as this is the way to sacrifice and is therefore considered to be inauspicious.

Keep your dining pace accorded with other people. Never smoke when dining.
Formal dining is always accompanied by tea, beer or distilled spirit. The one who sits closest to the teapot or wine bottle should pour them for others from the senior and superior to the junior and inferior. And when other people fill your cup or glass, you should express your thanks. Guests can not pour tea or wine themselves.

Cheers when dining together in China
A toast to others is characteristic Chinese dining. When all people are seated and all cups are filled, the host should toast others first, together with some simple prologue to let the dining start. During the dining after the senior’s toast, you can toast anyone from superior to inferior at their convenience.
When someone toasts you, you should immediately stop eating and drinking to accept and toast in response. If you are far from someone you want to toast, then you can use your cup or glass to rap on the table to attract attention rather than raise your voice. However, it is impolite to urge others to drink.
Conventionally, if you are invited to a formal banquet, all the dishes should not be eaten up completely, or you will give the host the impression that he has not provided good banquets and the food was insufficient. After dining, guests should leave once the host has left the table.

Be Careful With Our Words

I live in Banjarmasin, the capital of South Kalimantan (Borneo) Province in Indonesia. I was born and grown up in Pontianak, West Kalimantan (West Borneo). Honestly, I am not indigenous of West Borneo, the place in which I was born. I am a mix of Minahasan (en ethnic from North Sulawesi) and the Chinese of West Kalimantan. My mother is Chinese and my father is a Minahasan.
People living in Banjarmasin believe that the words spoken out by someone especially from the older generation like parents or teachers are the same with prayers. It can happen in the future. Because of the belief, the Banjarmasin folks or parents for instance, never talk to or even curse their children emotionally, whatever naughty or impolite their children are. On the other side, the Banjarmasin people never want anybody to make fool of their parents in their daily life.
They believe that what people speak about others especially from the old generation like the parents to the younger generation is the same with prayer and can happen in the future is the local belief in the Province of South Borneo. Like an Indonesian proverb, ‘Lain padang lain belalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya’ which means the culture in every area is different.
In my hometown, Pontianak, and West Borneo Province, that kind of belief does not exist. People in my hometown are mostly Malay. Even though the Banjar ethnic is also a type of Malay, but they have different behavior compared to the Malay people in my hometown. The Malay of my hometown is rude in what they do and what they say. Easy for them to curse another person or people without the feeling of guilty
When I was a boy, I have a mole below the sole of my right leg. When I tried to find out about the meaning of the thing from my mother, she simply said that it means I will live in a place far away from her someday. That time, I was feeling very sad to hear what my mother said about my future life, but my mother stayed calm after saying those words.
Year by year passed by and when I grew up to be a young man, I decided to move to Jakarta for work. Finally, I moved to Banjarmasin by the end of 1993. I married my wife, a Banjarmasin born woman, in 1999. Now my mother is an eighty-year-old woman. She often misses me and my family, but I am used to living in Banjarmasin now. Sometimes, I feel pity for my mother. If my mother had never said the words like that to me, I would have lived near her.
Sometimes, if I remember what my mother said to me about what my future life is, I still feel sad about those words and make me miss my mother so much, then I would like to cry on myself because it is not easy for me to visit my mother. I have learned from my personal experience and the local Banjarmasin wisdom about not saying something carelessly. As the lesson of this, I never want to say this kind of words to my only son.

Men’s Long Sleeve Shirts For Your Best Appearance

Gentlemen, are you interested in some long sleeve shirts? Do you need to perform your best appearance or even personality? When you think that you need some new and optimum performance, we are on the first side to help you actualize who you are. We provide special long sleeve shirts with various kind of shapes, models, and of course, in their interesting color, suitable for the special persons like you all.

Let’s begin with Striped Formal Dress Shirt. It is a kind of comfortable clothes, soft as it is made from soft fabric and you can wear it in an informal atmosphere, as you can wear it with blue jeans. The color is cool optimizing your charming performance.

What about looking for Star Print Denim Shirt? Its shape and size surely can suit your athletic body shape with the interesting color. Or if you are a man that often want to perform yourself in not a formal tone too many times, you can also look at another shirt like Slasher Dress Shirt. The shiny colors of the shirt must fulfill your needs to perform on what you like.
For a muscled man, take a look at a shirt designed to fit your muscled body, it is Red Machine Compression Shirt. With the combination of some attractive colors, we hope that what we’ve designed may perfectly match and reflect your strength and tough appearance.

Could we also make a guess that sometimes you want to wear concise clothing but still want to be good looked? Hope you can consider of other shirt matching your desire, it’s the Springfield Casual Dress Shirt especially designed and shaped for you.Though the color doesn’t look complicated, the Springfield Casual Dress Shirt still looks nice for every charming man’s wearing.
Everyone who doesn’t want to think to complicatedly about what he wants to wear, then they need a kind of shirt that can match both official and relaxing atmosphere as well. Willow Casual Shirt is the best solution to answer and to fulfill the needs of the people like this. With its cool and charming color, surely it can support and raise the feeling of confidence for everyone wearing it.

Which one of you often face or experience official atmosphere? Do you have to be in this kind of situation every day? The best attire that can help you pass that kind of experiences every day is the formal long sleeve shirt. We are sure that some kinds of shirt such as Wall Street Business Shirt, Two Tone Formal Shirt, The Shark Business Shirt, Striped Formal Business Shirt, and Mandarin Collar Formal Dress Shirt can help you.
There are still other long sleeve shirts that you can wear in some informal wearing every day, like OUI! Sweatshirt, Patchwork Denim Shirt, Patchwork Dress Shirt, Oldham Dress Shirt, Charleston Dress Shirt, and Bicycle Embroidered Shirt, that can be wear for the more relaxing wearing, complete with their own model, color, and comfortable materials make them exciting to wear.

Tips For Investing in the Art Market

To invest in art sometimes needs not only intuition but also it involves our taste, knowledge, and experience. We need that because it is not easy to make a precise decision in buying art. On the other hand, art is very expensive to work. In other words, the price is sometimes unpredictable.  

The contemporary art which is the most familiar to the people these days has the most volatile market. For fine art, but by the time being, the value is going higher and higher and it is followed by the price as well.

For instance, the fine arts by the Dutch Vincent Van Gogh was almost of no value when the artist was still alive, but now they become much worth more. People must “buy wisely, sell wisely, and take care regarding authentication.”

Whether your tastes are classic or contemporary, art is a tangible commodity and, as with other commodities, art also needs a kind of protection against stock market volatility. But before you invest some money, you need to understand that art comes with its risks and expenses.

Art has its fascinating side such as its value that is going to be higher and higher, but on the other hand, it also can bring some risks to the owner like the degrading of the value because of keeping it in the wrong place, or the risk of paying tax for the owner.

Talking about the value, it is not only found in the artist but the quality of a given work. When you need to buy an artwork, you need the assistance of a very good art advisor, because you always need to buy the best you can afford.

A very good art advisor means the advisor must have good knowledge and expertise to help you make your best decision.

If an artwork fails to sell in an action, surely it can be sold at a lower price. In this case, you need to keep the work for a while, even for years. For example, it could take ten years to wait for fair market value for the work, then at the right time, you can sell it.

Taxes are another consideration because they could be higher than they would be in a portfolio of stocks or bonds. A piece of artwork will be taxed more than other equities held long term. If you sell it in one year after buying, your gain will be taxed as ordinary income.

There are some more tips you need to know about investing in the Art Market:

You need to take notice of the index of selling art, for instance, the index of Fine Art to have the sight of the market of the art nowadays. Though the index is unable to forecast what kind of artwork will be well-known in the forthcoming time, it enables you to know the trend of the value of the artwork in the future while the other art has a more fluctuating market value.

Instead of decorative art, it is better for you to focus on fine art paintings, as paintings, especially by successful artists, have a better return when we compare them with sculpture art.

When you start to buy art, try to find a reliable auction institution and auctioneer. Before going to the auction, find out complete information about the art you want to buy. At the auction, be ready to leave it when the price increases beyond your arranged investment range.

Be careful with art auctioneers who promise a too high return on artwork such as a painting, because they only want to succeed selling the work they want to sell. They often look trustworthy to influence you when making your decision to buy an artwork.

You can look for the kind assistance of the auction institution with a good reputation which could help you know about at least the basic things you need to know as long as the institution can get your image as a person who truly wants to invest.

When you feel sure about the worthiness, the price, and the value ability to grow for your investment, just buy it. For this step, you must start arranging the payment, the shipment, and don’t forget about the insurance.

After buying an artwork, then you need to learn about how to keep it well without damaging or even ruining your investment. You should keep the artwork at a low-humidity place, or you also can hang it on your wall. In this case, you may need an art collector about a suitable place to hang it and the way to maintain the art well.

If the artwork is intended to be inherited investment, you must tell your children to be aware of taking care of the artwork, or they lose their money on the investment.

It is also a good idea to rent your investments, for instance, your fine arts, to banks, hotels, or others. You can expect to receive a pretty large sum of dollars from them, but you should make sure that your artwork is well protected by insurance from the risk of loss or damage.

You may rent your art collection when you find that the room of your house is not fit your art collection.

You need to keep in mind that sometimes, to repair damaged works of art is not an easy matter. Many collectors are unaware that an artist may feel that to repair an artwork made by himself can change the nature of the work so much, then he no longer considers that the work is a piece of his work.

Some other artists can collaborate with the collectors. In this case, they are willing to work with the collectors to do the repainting of the works. To know this, you must know about what the artist has done for the conservation of his works in the past.

The Definitive Guide on How to Choose The Best Outdoor Portable Speakers

If you are considering using your indoor speakers for outdoor use, there are a number of pros and cons to consider before completing your installation. Indoor speakers, as you may have guessed, are not designed for extended use outdoors, and thus can be seriously damaged if used improperly. Likewise, outdoor speakers have many flaws that detract speaker users from buying them.

The outdoor speaker is specifically designed to be used in wide-open spaces, without the traditional indoor speaker’s use of a subwoofer. In order to achieve this, many outdoor speakers have balances that favor treble frequencies more than indoor speakers, oftentimes to favor the use of the speaker as a PA or intercom. If you choose to install your indoor speakers outdoors, be aware that you may not be getting the same sound quality that you would from an outdoor speaker.

Weatherproof Box

Weatherproofing is probably one of the most important benefits of the outdoor speaker. Since outdoor speakers are specifically designed for long-term use in the elements, the box that encases the speaker is usually made of a metal or hard plastic that resists dirt and rain damage. If you use an indoor speaker outdoors, be aware that the box that encases your speaker is probably made out of some sort of compressed sawdust, and may or may not stand up to the elements as well as an outdoor speaker’s box would.

Weatherproof Cones

The actual components of the outdoor speaker are also specifically designed to withstand the elements. While many cheaply made indoor speakers are designed with paper cones, most outdoor speakers are made of rubber or kevlar lining to resist the weather. Heavy rain on an indoor speaker used outside can cause permanent damage.


Since the outdoor speaker is designed to project across wide-open spaces, its capacity for volume is usually much higher. This means that, if you choose to use an indoor speaker outside, it may lack the same volume capacity that an outdoor speaker has. However, although it may lack high volume output, the indoor speaker produces a richer and more resonant sound quality than the outdoor speaker, so the choice is really about compromising.


Many indoor speakers are designed to be mounted on a stand or, in some cases, not designed for mounting at all. In contrast, almost all outdoor speakers come equipped with brackets that allow the speaker to be mounted and hung from a wall. If you want to use your indoor speakers outdoors, you will need to find your own way of mounting them, as they may or may not be equipped for this type of use.

Mens Black Jacket For Your Best Appearance

Gentlemen, are you interested in some new shirts or dress? Do you need to perform your best appearance or even personality? When you think that you need some new and optimum performance, we are on the first side to help you actualize who you are. We provide special shirts or dress with various kind of shapes, models, and of course, in their interesting color, suitable for the special persons like you all.

Let’s begin with the Short Sleeve Silk Look Shirt. It is a kind of comfortable clothes, smooth as it is made from soft fabric and you can wear it in an informal atmosphere.The color is cool optimizing your charming performance.

What about looking for Men’s Collared Short Sleeved Shirt? Its shape and size surely can suit your athletic body shape with some interesting colors you may choose. Or if you are a man that want to perform yourself in not a formal personality too many times, you can also look at another shirt like Casual Short Sleeve Dress Shirt. The shiny colors of the shirt must fulfill your needs to perform on what you like.

For a muscled man, take a look at a shirt designed to nicely fit your muscled body. With a rather dark color, we hope that what we’ve designed may perfectly match and reflect your strength and tough appearance, each time people may look at you.

Could we also make a guess that sometimes you want to wear concise clothing but still want to be good looked? Hope you can consider of other shirt matching your desire, it’s the Alpha Dress Shirt especially designed and shaped for you.Though the color doesn’t look complicated, the Alpha Dress Shirt still looks nice for every charming man wearing it.

Everyone who doesn’t want to think to complicatedly about what he wants to wear, then they need a kind of shirt that can match both official or relaxing atmosphere or the combination of relaxing and official atmosphere. Mediterranean Dress Shirt is the best solution to answer and to fulfill the needs of the people like this. With its cool and charming color, surely it can support and raise the feeling of confidence for everyone wearing it.

Which one of you loves a military look? Avenger Military Style Shirt is the best shirt for you. With its dark color and military style, the one wearing this shirt will look charming and masculine.

For the checkered motif shirt lovers, we want to suggest you for  Carolina Short Sleeve Dress Shirt, with a good color that makes the appearance of the shirt to be very nice. Everyone who loves the simplicity and often does his activity at a speedy pace, the model of the shirt can match his lifestyle.

The Ibiza Dress Shirt designed to be the pair of blue jean will be the best shirt for the man who likes to perform their activity mostly out of the office area because the model is fit in the look to match.